tw: depression tw: suicide
Boggle wants to give you a loving pick me up! 1/2
Text of the image:
I don’t like the phrase “A cry for help.”
I just don’t like how it sounds. When somebody says to me, “I’m thinking about suicide, I have a plan; I just need a reason not to do it,” the last thing i see is helplessness.
I think: Your depression has been beating you up for years. It’s called you ugly, and stupid, and pathetic, and a failure, for so long that you’ve forgotten that it’s wrong. You don’t see any good in yourself, and you don’t have any hope.
But still, here you are; you’ve come over to me, banged on my door, and said,“***Hey!*** staying alive is **really hard** right now! Just give me something to fight with! I don’t care if it’s a stick! Give me a stick and I can stay alive!”
— from the old Boggle the Owl tumblr at
via the gentle yet ferocious, @dianeduane