Weekly fitness update


#mjbGettingFit #FitnessLogging #WeightLoss #WeightLossJourney

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/112035526723870074

#mjbgettingfit, #FitnessLogging, #weightloss, #weightlossjourney

Books! Do What You Will, With Them


via, https://www.tumblr.com/ladygreyslibrary/635420511138185216/you-are-allowed

#100WordHabit #mjbWrites #Reading #Books

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/112029524594623484

#100WordHabit, #mjbwrites, #reading, #books

Cal Newport’s Minimalist Note Taking System


#100WordHabit #mjbWrites #Reading #Books #Syntopica #Productivity #CalNewport #Life #NoteTaking #BookNotes

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/112026068067140361

#100WordHabit, #mjbwrites, #reading, #books, #syntopica, #productivity, #calnewport, #life, #notetaking, #booknotes

I read Iron Widow!


#100WordHabit #mjbWrites #Reading #Books #IronWidow #Syntopica

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/112018584890474604

#100WordHabit, #mjbwrites, #reading, #books, #IronWidow, #syntopica

As long as the tides of the ocean flow
As long as the trees and the flowers grow
So long, oh my love, will I love you so
Today, tomorrow and forever


#mjbMusic #Earworm #PatsyCline

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/112018398123886377

#mjbmusic, #earworm, #PatsyCline

I read Babel!


#100WordHabit #mjbWrites #Reading #Books #Babel #Syntopica

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/112012903941138532

#100WordHabit, #mjbwrites, #reading, #books, #babel, #syntopica

Note to Self Footnotes Using Littlefoot.js


#100WordHabit #mjbWrites #NoteToSelf #LittlefootJs #Hugo

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/112007918651540816

#100WordHabit, #mjbwrites, #notetoself, #LittlefootJs, #hugo

I know heroes with feet of clay and all, but the slow and now the all at once crazy making of Matt Mullenweg is baffling. Was he always this way?

Every thing he seems to be doing now a days is from some corporate playbook. Every action user hostile.

I thought Automattic was one of the good ones. A trustworthy steward of open source. Sigh!

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/112006618602103961

Moving Audio Library to Flac & MP3 Formats


#100WordHabit #mjbWrites #Productivity #ffmpeg #audio #Linux #QuodLibet

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/112001488096843673

#100WordHabit, #mjbwrites, #productivity, #ffmpeg, #audio, #linux, #quodlibet

Here’s what I read last week

  1. The Complete History & Strategy of Hermès, Season 14, Episode 2, Acquired Podcast
  2. Nintendo’s Origins & Nintendo: The Console Wars, Season 14, Episodes 3 & 4, Acquired Podcast

The rest of this year’s list is here:

#mjbReads #Books #mjbBooks #Reading #mjbReading

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/111997965337886295

#mjbreads, #books, #mjbbooks, #reading, #mjbreading