- got used to the compose key
- the question mark and slash has moved below and to the right (dvorak), so will need to see if i adjust
- i miss my numpad so much!
Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/112522764483829666
#keyboard, #KinesisAdvantage360
Day 1:
- Everything’s slowed to a crawl
- The Dvorak layout seems to work better on this than on my old keyboard
- The key layout and spacing is throwing everything off
- Realised some of my keyboard shortcuts were that way, because of the old keyboard layout. They are *terrible* on the new keyboard. Need to find new shortcuts for ulauncher, minimising windows, and the gpaste clipboard manager
- the caps lock is the compose key and i need to see if the new position will help or hinder me
- totally gotten used to the new space, return and backspace keys
- totally not used to the placement of esc. will try a week to see if i can get used to it.
- new wa;ys of chording keys in emacs. seem to be easier on the wrists. (because of the new place for the ctrl and alt keys)
- my wrists feel much better. no idea how much of this is placebo. will know for sure only after a while
- bottom row keys are tough right now
#Keyboard #KinesisAdvantage360
Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/112522295675899709
#keyboard, #KinesisAdvantage360
New Ergonomic toy; #KinesisAdvantage360
Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/112518195529009498
#KinesisAdvantage360, #keyboard
Ignoring Syncthing Conflict Files in the Org Agenda Folder
#OrgMode #Emacs #100WordHabit #mjbWrites #Syncthing
Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/112507197082775580
#orgmode, #emacs, #100WordHabit, #mjbwrites, #syncthing
Search for Something! Kill the Line! In Emacs
#Emacs #100WordHabit #mjbWrites
Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/112500216708145568
#emacs, #100WordHabit, #mjbwrites
Why I Write
#Writing #100WordHabit #mjbWrites
Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/112497352730053711
#writing, #100WordHabit, #mjbwrites
if any young newbie asks me how #SSL works, I’ll just send them Farhaan’s post now …
Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/112493874344045605
Org Mode, Automatically Clocking in and Out of Tasks on Task State Changes
#100WordHabit #mjbWrites #Productivity #OrgMode #Emacs
Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/112490811966870365
#100WordHabit, #mjbwrites, #productivity, #orgmode, #emacs
All my heroes are turning out to be assholes
In the whole of Creativity Inc. not once does Catmull mention anything of this sort. What good creative process if its built on exclusion? To protect assholes because they are a “creative genius”
Money talks, bullshit walks after all
Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/112485559072273030
This! Fucking this!
Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/112485510747073539