My version of Keep Calm and Carry On
#books, #reading, #life, #coping
My version of Keep Calm and Carry On
#books, #reading, #life, #coping
When Cabanel finally graduated and returned to Paris as a professional painter, he had already received nearly *sixteen years* of focused, intense education on art and art alone.
I’d kill for that. Or, at least sacrifice a goat for it.
You can graduate from medical school and be operating on patients in less time than that artist studied how to paint that angel.
— @ColleenDoran
( in her latest, The Education of an Artist )
You read something which you thought only happened to you, and you discover that it happened 100 years ago to Dostoyevsky.
This is a very great liberation for the suffering, struggling person, who always thinks that he is alone.
This is why art is important.
Art would not be important if life were not important, and life is important.
— James Baldwin
via, @thenightlymirror on Tumblr:
Big giant list of tutorials for life skills via #PeterMorwood
It’s an innately human thing to do. Hope!
Today’s blow your mind philosophical/biological thread of the day!
That is an absolutely bonkers pitch, by the way, and everyone thought you were a showoff, even before the opposable thumbs. When the winter came, and the winter of winters, and the rain was acid and the air was poison on the tender shells of their eggs and choked the children in the shells; when the plants turned to poison, and the ocean turned against you all; when the climate changed, and the world’s children fell to shadow; your internal ocean was it that held true. A bet laid against the changing fates, a bet laid by a small beast against climate and geography and the forces of outer space, that you won. The dinosaurs fell and the pterosaurs fell and the marine reptiles dwindled, and you, furthest-child, least-looked-for, long-range-spaceship, held hope internally at 37.5 degrees. Which is another thing that humans do, sometimes.
— elodieunderglass on Tumblr
I learn so much thanks to @dianeduane!
#Biology #Philosophy #Hope #Life
#biology, #philosophy, #hope, #life
Drucker’s subsequent description of the insensate labor of unskilled men in factories draws almost entirely from Taylor’s portrait of them—and accordingly condescends to their abilities to plan and organize work. In actual fact, it wasn’t so. Before Taylor, work was already organized by teams of factory workers, who in large part had control over how they worked. The knowledge they applied to work was largely “tacit” in nature, agreed upon among workers themselves rather than “explicit” (to borrow a famous definition from the sociologist Michael Polanyi). What Taylor sought in particular—indeed, what constituted his signal obsession—was to extract this tacit knowledge and install it in another set of people, the “industrial engineers.” Drucker called them “the prototype of all modern ‘knowledge workers’”—a plausible assumption but one that excised the tremendous amount of knowledge that already existed in the work process.
it’s even better to acknowledge that there never were any knowledge workers.
There have only ever been workers
— @aworkinglibrary
(as someone who began his work life on the factory floor, cleaning CNC machines, and have slowly moved along the spectrum of work to now doing devops, I’ve experienced every single inch of the journey above. )
Sound familiar?
That same siren song of laborsaving technology echoed throughout the twentieth century, with vacuums and dishwashers and personal computers and 5G networks and on and on and on.
Yet the average number of hours worked (both waged work and housework) hasn’t budged.
The present-day fiction of so-called AI is the same story, second verse.
The people urging AI on us won’t save labor; they will try to degrade that labor, to further alienate us from it, to demand that we work as long and hard and hopelessly as ever.
Unless we refuse.
— @aworkinglibrary, Laborsaving
People spend too much time on the last 24 hours and not enough time on the last 6,000 years.
— Will Durant
via the #FarnamStreet newsletter,
#FarnamStreet, #life, #history, #lifelessons
Public performance eats art.
Fame doesn’t rub off.
Also True.
Fame doesn’t always pay the bills.
Too True.
This industry doesn’t owe you a living, and it doesn’t pay you to dwell on the past.
Very True.
Most of the people in this industry are garage bands wondering why they’re not the Rolling Stones.
So Very Very True.
Don’t get into comics to get rich. Don’t get into comics for fame. Don’t get into comics for any reason except to make comics.
Fame and money are never a guarantee in the arts, no matter who you are or what you create.
Making your comic is about the truth of your love for the art.
Not about fame. Not about money.
If the audience comes, then yay.
If the audience doesn’t come, you made a comic.
And that’s the hard truth that makes you stronger.
— Colleen Doran, These Things Are True
#Art #Career #Life #ColleenDoran
#art, #career, #life, #colleendoran
Make Bad Things