#Blogging Myth No. 4: Writing Boring Posts is Bad

I can never remember how to renew my letsencrypt certificates.
I refer to my boring blog post, that details how to go about doing it. Every quarter. Without fail.
It’s saved my hide more times than I can count now!

@b0rk explodes more myths at https://jvns.ca/blog/2023/06/05/some-blogging-myths/

My boring blog post:


Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/110496054513479186

#blogging, #writing

#TIL, in #Emacs #OrgMode

press v c in Org agenda to see fishy things in your clocking data.

src: https://list.orgmode.org/CAC=HedC5NRmYJ2YdwsXncP8hiih=HYBUMmqDqHxoS50GKZVruQ@mail.gmail.com/

via: https://mbork.pl/2023-06-03_Org_agenda_clock_check

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/110495876293114722

#til, #emacs, #orgmode

Sometimes some one makes a classic their own.
Imagine Whitney covering Dolly Parton’s, I will always love you.
Or imagine Randy Crawford covering Lennon’s, Imagine.

You may say I’m a dreamer
But I’m not the only one …


#mjbMusic #RandyCrawford #Imagine

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/110490854164804227

#mjbmusic, #RandyCrawford, #imagine

If your life ain’t worth livin’
And you’re ready to give in
Just remember
It’s only love - and that’s all

RIP, #TinaTurner

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/110427931579201068


Wait, you’re a shapechanger?

You can take any shape?
Preserving mass, yes.

And you chose to look like that?

You’re a phrasebuilder?

You can say anything you want?
I mean …

And you chose to say that?

O. Westin, MicroSF/F

#Kindness, #Life

3b7554fefc384849.pngTumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/melodysbookhaven/715971128570560512

#Books #Reading

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/110415268410830404

#books, #reading

7e4f36cb8ebe4fa4.png#Books #Reading #TomGauld


Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/110407274805325420

#books, #reading, #tomgauld


b319690726f3c028.jpegOh my Verne!

Look what came!
Thank you #BookSanta 😬😁

(Also ♥️ the way the gilt edge reflects light )

#SteamPunk #mjbReading #Reading #Books #EarlySciFi #SciFi #Fantasy

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/110404854270889479

#booksanta, #steampunk, #mjbreading, #reading, #books, #EarlySciFi, #scifi, #fantasy

To read a book for the first time in one’s maturity is an extraordinary pleasure, different from (though one cannot say greater or lesser than) the pleasure of having read it in one’s youth.

— Italo Calvino, The Uses of Literature


#Reading #Books

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/110404749501008916

#reading, #books

I was an adventurer, a traveler, a magic student; God, I was whole. drunk on words for hours….being pulled out at twilight by my mother’s voice, calling me for dinner. eating in a daze, sneaking back up the stairs to fall back in love. minutes and hours and midnight…falling asleep, book clutched in my hand.

you want to know what I’m missing?

when time was our friend.


#Reading #Books

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/110404371402238543

#reading, #books