@carlana Also coming at learning #GoLang from #Python she’s written one of the best posts I’ve read explaining Go’s idiosyncracies


Yes, stuff has changed, but this is still a really good primer

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/113994624415669336

#golang, #python

Hacking #Hugo post metadata on all my blog posts with #Python because I don’t want to edit 800+ posts by hand 😂


Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/113943640552002163

#hugo, #python

thinking about how i’d handle subdirectories for a smol #Python script of mind.
had a lovely stream of consciousness sort of progress going, before I realised, I had reinvented BASE\_DIR
I really need to read a lot more code to familiarise myself with common programming conventions

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/113456968413111045


I made a thing! A tiny #Anki addon that sends me notifications via #Pushover of any cards due.

Post: https://janusworx.com/anki-push-u/
Github repo: https://github.com/jasonbraganza/anki-push-u

#Python #mjbWrites

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/113174823073602398

#anki, #Pushover, #python, #mjbwrites

Everything I learnt about #Python f-strings in dribs and drabs over the years in one handy #Pybites post!


Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/112222218346398104

#python, #pybites

derb; Script to Create podcast RSS feeds


#Python #Scripting #mjbWrites

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/111064064563124429

#python, #scripting, #mjbwrites

I use #Emacs. I write code using #Python
I write in #English
I am #Heterosexual and #Married to a wonderful woman

It’s just because I stumbled into these and I was ok with them.
Later in life when I learnt how to reflect and think critically, I evaluated most of my big life choices and stayed with most of them, because they made me happy

And I am and do all these things, not because these are inherently good or better. it’s just what i like and what i choose to do / be

Folks choosing / being ok with / stumbling into the alternatives are choosing what makes them happy. They aren’t wrong. They aren’t bad.
Just different.

We could all do with a little kindness (and a little bit of self reflection)

and if we can’t do that, at least learn to mind our own business and not to poke our noses into stuff that does not concern us


Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/111016400333567109

#emacs, #python, #english, #heterosexual, #married, #mjbBabbles

Playing with #Sqlite and #Python today.
And then I got curious about dumping my objects ala pickle into a database. and then it hit me.

Dump an object into a relational database. rather map them from one form to another.

That is what #Django’s ORM (is) does. (as do other Python ORMs)

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/110729430806357247

#sqlite, #python, #django

TIL: The Difference Between a CLI Tool and a Freeze Tool



Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/109947342706595578


Hello #Python folk, what do you use to find libraries quickly? Or what is the first thing you search?
Now that I am writing lots more code, I want to be efficient at finding if something out there already does what I want.
For e.g. right now I’m looking for a library to download and parse RSS feeds.

Thank you! Please boost!

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/109872089023265129
