Different color themes for each #Firefox process (using @linuxmint Webapps) keeps me sane.



Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/110585590577665372

#firefox, #linux

We’ve all been the same for 30,000 years …
— via @dianeduane


#Life #Community

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/110585436526629671

#life, #community


getting pissed off because i can’t find 17,000 more songs that sound exactly like the one i am enjoying but aren’t that song exactly but make me feel the same way so i can continue the precise vibe. i have the hardest life anybody has ever had btw.



Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/110575947741565403


A man’s #Emacs is his castle!



Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/110563688432298919

#emacs, #humour

Loved listening to this #CoRecursive episode

From Project Management to Data Compression Innovator
With Yann Collet

#YannCollet #Life #Tech #CompressionAlgorithms #LZ4

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/110557642180166023

#CoRecursive, #YannCollet, #life, #tech, #CompressionAlgorithms, #LZ4

eae1e931823582ba.jpgLook what came!

The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace & Babbage, with Interesting and Curious Anecdotes of Celebrated and Distinguished Characters!

Fully Illustrating A Variety Of Instructive and Amusing Scenes;
As Performed Within and Without the Remarkable Difference Engine
Embellished with Portraits and Scientifick Diagrams

Thank you so, so, so much #booksanta!
This is such a gem!

#mjbReading #Reading #Books #EarlyComputing #AlternateRealities

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/110554281512227341

#booksanta, #mjbreading, #reading, #books, #EarlyComputing, #AlternateRealities

@aworkinglibrary It’s a great exercise in humility, keeping a blog for this many years. But in exchange for the keen awareness of how far I still have to go as a writer, I have the space to keep going. I have the home to keep coming back to. And I will. I will return, again and again.


#AWorkingLibrary #Reading #Writing #Books #Blogging

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/110545971182119054

#AWorkingLibrary, #reading, #writing, #books, #blogging

@aworkinglibrary And maybe that’s a good way to think about blogging, too. The new stuff sits next to the old but doesn’t supplant it, doesn’t shove it out of the way. Each new post lays atop the next like sediment, and all the old layers remain exposed for you to meander through, with their mediocre sentences and lapsed claims, all the sloppy thinking ever on display.


#AWorkingLibrary #Reading #Writing #Books #Blogging

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/110545965626379369

#AWorkingLibrary, #reading, #writing, #books, #blogging

@aworkinglibrary … I read on paper still, so the evidence of time spent is visible in dog-eared corners and coffee stains, in curling covers and the occasional broken spine. I’m hardest on the books I love the most, so that more than one of them is neighbored by a newer edition: not replaced (because I would never forsake my margin notes) but accompanied by a copy that will decay in its own way, soon enough.


#AWorkingLibrary #Reading #Writing #Books

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/110545961546477279

#AWorkingLibrary, #reading, #writing, #books

From @aworkinglibrary’s fifteenth birthday post 1

There are books here that have taken up residence in my mind. Or perhaps more accurately, I have lived long residencies within them, have curled up under their eaves and stretched out on the porch, have explored the basements and attics and crawl spaces.


#AWorkingLibrary #Reading #Writing #Books

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/110545956860078364

#AWorkingLibrary, #reading, #writing, #books