#TIL that #KoboUtilities lets me store and restore reading progress to #Calibre
and here I was manually keeping track, all these years π
Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/112800249535250809
#til, #KoboUtilities, #calibre
Found the Annotations plugin for #Calibre today.
Makes it a breeze to now get notifications off my Kobo Elipsa
Life just got so much simpler!
#Books #eBooks #Reading
Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/111588449275671607
#calibre, #books, #ebooks, #reading
Thank you Kovid, for decades of freedom with books!
#KovidGoyal #Calibre #eBooks
Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/111123911438891570
#KovidGoyal, #calibre, #ebooks
I think i need to change my sci-fi-fantasy
tag in #Calibre to fantasy-sci-fi
This is the year, where the balance has finally tilted over
Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/111018341268147716
#calibre, #mjbBabbles
The little #RaspberryPi that powers my #Calibre library crashed today.
So, I took the opportunity to replace #Ubuntu with #ArchLinux. It feels much lighter than Ubuntu. the tiny Pi feels much snappier.
Fingers crossed, this one stays up and running as long as the old Ubuntu install.
Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/110620778818021585
#calibre, #raspberrypi, #ubuntu, #archlinux