
all of the above were Cal Newport ideas that I jotted down from his video on Time Blocking here: https://youtu.be/eff9h1WYxSo

More ideas below from the instructions in the physical planner itself

#mjbBabbles #CalNewport

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/111023309119062265

#timeblocking, #mjbBabbles, #calnewport


Left Side Contd:

  1. The metrics box also has a shutdown complete box. **Before you do that though,**
  2. At the end of the day, go through what you’ve done.
  3. Process your time block plan, see what needs moving
  4. Check your tasks and ideas, move them to you digital systems (#OrgMode) if need be
  5. Then go mash that box, knowing that your mind is empty and you can go relax and do home / family / leisure stuff


Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/111023240832643529

#timeblocking, #orgmode, #mjbBabbles


Left Side Contd:

  1. the metrics box is for a Jerry Seinfeld-esque chain (or daily numbers or whatever) important metrics of your life. Did you do your exercise? Did you hit your diet plan? Did you do your Urdu lesson? Did you walk? Did you meditate or pray? Track them all!
  2. Use shortforms and stick figures or whatever you like to track what you do
  3. it gives you record of what you do. and it keeps you motivated and accountable.


Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/111023212266899255

#timeblocking, #mjbBabbles


Left Side Contd:

  1. if you remember a jbo that needs doing, just capture it in tasks
  2. if there’s an idea that strikes you, a thought that inspires you, capture those in ideas
  3. eliminates distraction and lets you focus on you planned work on the right page. no fancy tech required to do this too!


Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/111023202895397131

#timeblocking, #mjbBabbles


Now going to the left side of the two page spread

  1. Page divided into 3 boxes.
  2. A smallish box running across the top of the page. for metrics
  3. Rest of the page divided equally into two tall boxes for tasks and ideas


Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/111023196312920684

#timeblocking, #mjbBabbles


(Back to the right spread)

  1. Life happens. You run over. Something gets cut short. The plan goes to pot. What now?
  2. You redraw the item that went long. on the right. and replan your day below it. you might have to remove some things or shorten the time for others. but at least you are intentional. and you realise, c’est la vie.
  3. Repeat everytime the schedule gets mangled and out of whack
  4. **The idea of timeblocking is not to hit your schedule no matter what. The big idea is to redraw you schedule and intentionally use your time**
  5. **You don’t get a price for accuracy. You get a prize for intention**
  6. You always want there to be a plan for the time that remains


Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/111023151419830057

#timeblocking, #mjbBabbles


Aside, contd:


Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/111023117055002587

#timeblocking, #mjbBabbles


Aside: There’s a few advantages to scheduling the day, this way, on paper


Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/111023109393811709

#timeblocking, #mjbBabbles


  1. You might realise as you plan, there there are lots of tiny miscellaneous tasks you might want to do. for example you can’t write 5 tasks in tiny 30m box
  2. In that case, just give the box a descriptive header (Errands or Social Catchup or Communications or Tasks), and also give it a number.
  3. Then a bit further to the right, write the number down and elaborate what is happening in that block (of time)


Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/111023077572886034

#timeblocking, #mjbBabbles


First up: Daily Pages

Have a two page spread.

Right hand side

  1. Date on the top
  2. Left margin, mark hours you will work, down the page at regular intervals
  3. Start making boxes with the work you have to do. e.g. 9-10 report / 10-11 email and so on and so forth


Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/111023054494146952

#timeblocking, #mjbBabbles