Hello #Emacs and #OrgMode friends, is there a way to insert a deadline *with* time for a task?

for e.g. with:

Buy Book: CSS in Depth, Second Edition, Keith J. Grant  
DEADLINE: <2024-06-10 Mon>  

I want the deadline to be

DEADLINE: <2024-06-10 Mon 09:00>  

I’m inserting times manually by hand currently. But am I missing an M-x org-some-command-to-insert-date or a handy keyboard shortcut?

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/112245323817341936

#emacs, #orgmode

I kinda try and do a tiny deep dive everytime I want to use a new facet of #emacs and then make notes for myself.
Thankfully #GavinFreeborn does things exactly like me.
So I have all I need for learning about #OrgMode tables
Roughly 20m. Worth the time if you want to learn too.

Thank you Gavin!


Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/112222673225199907

#emacs, #GavinFreeborn, #orgmode

Org Mode Narrowing and Widening Buffers


#100WordHabit #mjbWrites #Productivity #OrgMode #Emacs

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/111996186585727596

#100WordHabit, #mjbwrites, #productivity, #orgmode, #emacs

#OrgMode friends, is there a way to show the times I took for a task in my org clock summary itself?

for e.g.

| \\_ 100 Words, Writing Session | | 0:45 | |  
| \\_ Research | | | 0:24 |  

i would like to know the actual time ranges in my Research section. what time to what time did i actually work? is this possible?

if not, i think my next best bet is to set :link t and then have these linked down to the actual task. (don’t want to do this though)


Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/111978935548874115

#orgmode, #emacs

#TIL: I could just C-c C-u to go up rapidly jump up the headline structure in an org file instead of just clacking up, up, up with my keyboard

#Emacs #OrgMode

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/111978545459051982

#til, #emacs, #orgmode

5093418a669d0d6c.pngThe #Zettelkasten’s slowly growing!

Thank you #OrgRoam!

#Emacs #OrgMode

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/111718729807603245

#zettelkasten, #orgroam, #emacs, #orgmode

I was today years old when i had the sudden realisation that i could use inactive timestamps (or even active ones should i choose to) as headlines in my #OrgMode files 🤦🏿

I was manually typing dates and then moving trees between them. Now I can just increment the headline date, if I want too! Yippee!


Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/111668142146119485

#orgmode, #emacs

I don’t have to do a cranky #OrgMode ritual anymore. Something’s good about this Monday :)


#Emacs #mjbWrites

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/111480451457092897

#orgmode, #emacs, #mjbwrites

#OrgMode’s back

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/111170938829366055


so I need some sort of middle ground of … disciplinary flow, I guess?

also with the old life, all I had to do was show up, and do the work. and that was easy to plan and execute

my current life is very amorphous. I have a lot more responsibilities. I have to take care of family. My body broke in 2018 and it requires daily upkeep to function. And I am trying to pivot careers. All of these generate a lot of work. Not to mention the rest of life throwing things at me.

So I somehow need some approach to taming it. and focus on what I need to do.

I’m good at the long term stuff. I know what I want to do.What I need to try. The paths to get there.

What I currently lack is some way of handling daily life. And what to do when life happens all the time.

Current plan: long term stuff - do with #OrgMode. daily stuff - do with #TimeBlocking

What I *also* need to remember to do is ***review*** mesh what i do on a daily basis and see if it is leading me to where I want to be.


Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/111027797839619853

#orgmode, #timeblocking, #mjbBabbles