Tried the new #Reeder for #RSS. It’s definitely not for me.
It does not work with my #Miniflux instance and does too much “magic”

Been a happy user for more than a decade and a half now and I’m a bit saddened that Silvio’s vision for how an RSS app should be, has diverged from mine.
Wished Silvio had just enabled subscriptions in #ReederClassic, so I could continue to pay him, annually.

So where does that leave me, now that one of my core reading experiences is undergoing upheaval? With a certain sense of unease for now, that is all.
#ReederClassic still exists and I hope there will be enough people like me, who’d love to pay @rizzi to keep working on ye olde classic.
I worry about an amazing app like this vanishing.

None of this is to say that the new app is bad. It’s classic Silvio.
I’m assuming an enormous amount of time and effort must have gone into accomplishing all that he has done.
It’s beautiful, polished and amazing. Just sadly not for me :)
Go try it 1 and if it fits your mental model, then there can be no better app, than a Silvio Rizzi creation


#reeder, #rss, #miniflux, #ReederClassic