If you want to be more productive, the data are clear—*where* you work matters much more than *how hard* you work.
— Scott H Young, The Most Overlooked Way to Be More Productive
Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/112602192548342808
Go back @mwl’s ROYMS kickstarter already!
Get a fuck ton of books!
It’s a steal I tell you. Feels like I’m robbing him blind!
Only about 30 hours left to get ‘em all!
Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/112581368090768984
and to all the folks who pointed me to the pxls.us site, Thank You!
Quite a find. I’ll learn lots!
Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/112579584830390645
Folks, need help.
I’m a lightroom refugee and ever since moving to Linux, I have done nothing with my photos.
My main use of Lightroom was the RAW processing and the catalog
While I can wait for the editing/processing stuff, the browsing folders to get at a photo, is getting to me.
Can Digikam or Shotwell handle large collections of photos? Does it work well for a serious amateur photographer, who has a large volume of photos in various RAW formats?
#AskFedi #Gnome #Photography #Shotwell #Linux #Digikam
Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/112579332669521328
#askfedi, #gnome, #photography, #shotwell, #linux, #digikam