I know heroes with feet of clay and all, but the slow and now the all at once crazy making of Matt Mullenweg is baffling. Was he always this way?

Every thing he seems to be doing now a days is from some corporate playbook. Every action user hostile.

I thought Automattic was one of the good ones. A trustworthy steward of open source. Sigh!

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/112006618602103961

Moving Audio Library to Flac & MP3 Formats


#100WordHabit #mjbWrites #Productivity #ffmpeg #audio #Linux #QuodLibet

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/112001488096843673

#100WordHabit, #mjbwrites, #productivity, #ffmpeg, #audio, #linux, #quodlibet

Here’s what I read last week

  1. The Complete History & Strategy of Hermès, Season 14, Episode 2, Acquired Podcast
  2. Nintendo’s Origins & Nintendo: The Console Wars, Season 14, Episodes 3 & 4, Acquired Podcast

The rest of this year’s list is here:

#mjbReads #Books #mjbBooks #Reading #mjbReading

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/111997965337886295

#mjbreads, #books, #mjbbooks, #reading, #mjbreading

Weekly fitness update


#mjbGettingFit #FitnessLogging #WeightLoss #WeightLossJourney

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/111997923149890170

#mjbgettingfit, #FitnessLogging, #weightloss, #weightlossjourney

Org Mode Narrowing and Widening Buffers


#100WordHabit #mjbWrites #Productivity #OrgMode #Emacs

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/111996186585727596

#100WordHabit, #mjbwrites, #productivity, #orgmode, #emacs

Note to Self, Bookmark Your Work, Coda


#100WordHabit #mjbWrites #Productivity #DoTheWork #SelfHelp

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/111990397402880210

#100WordHabit, #mjbwrites, #productivity, #DoTheWork, #selfhelp

Note to Self, Bookmark Your Work


#100WordHabit #mjbWrites #Productivity #DoTheWork #SelfHelp

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/111985297027462639

#100WordHabit, #mjbwrites, #productivity, #DoTheWork, #selfhelp

On Invisible Inequity and Entrenched Privilege (In Open Source and the World)


cc/ @carlton

#100WordHabit #mjbWrites #Babel #BookNotes #Reading #RFKuang #CarltonGibson #Reading

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/111979174271125795

#100WordHabit, #mjbwrites, #babel, #booknotes, #reading, #RFKuang, #CarltonGibson

#OrgMode friends, is there a way to show the times I took for a task in my org clock summary itself?

for e.g.

| \\_ 100 Words, Writing Session | | 0:45 | |  
| \\_ Research | | | 0:24 |  

i would like to know the actual time ranges in my Research section. what time to what time did i actually work? is this possible?

if not, i think my next best bet is to set :link t and then have these linked down to the actual task. (don’t want to do this though)


Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/111978935548874115

#orgmode, #emacs

#TIL: I could just C-c C-u to go up rapidly jump up the headline structure in an org file instead of just clacking up, up, up with my keyboard

#Emacs #OrgMode

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/111978545459051982

#til, #emacs, #orgmode