5093418a669d0d6c.pngThe #Zettelkasten’s slowly growing!

Thank you #OrgRoam!

#Emacs #OrgMode

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/111718729807603245

#zettelkasten, #orgroam, #emacs, #orgmode

My #OrgRoam #Zettelkasten is back!

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/111171075560077186

#orgroam, #zettelkasten

Been copying text manually from web pages into my #Zettelkasten since last June.

A year into my journey, I realise, I could’ve just used Adam Porter’s (#alphapapa) org-web-tools package to scrape it straight into my org file! [1] Just select the link, M-x org-web-tools-insert-web-page-as-entry and …
The whole page!
Properly formatted! In my org file!

Better late than never 😂

[1] which I had installed and ready all the time!
#Emacs #OrgMode #TIL

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/110512811809034696

#zettelkasten, #alphapapa, #emacs, #orgmode, #til

The book that taught me about and got me up and running with #Zettelkasten: Digital Zettelkasten 99 centsl http://kadavy.net/blog/posts/digital-zettelkasten-99-cents/

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/110392675605142350


Note to self, when you think you are going to *quickly* synthesize that interesting note and put it into your #Zettelkasten, check yourself.

It always takes more time than you think. It always derails your day.

Budget the time. And then do it.

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/110022042377369068
