@mariapopova And for all this and more, she has my undying gratitude.

Subscribe to The Marginalian. You don’t have to read it much. Let it just flow over you over time. Like water smoothening a stone.


#Art #Gratitude #Reading #Marginalia #Books #Reading #NaturalPhilosophy #MariaPopova

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/111044493601732480

#art, #gratitude, #reading, #marginalia, #books, #NaturalPhilosophy, #mariapopova

@mariapopova If anyone can talk about science and maths and art and life and words as being different facets of the same natural thing, it is her.

She’s the very embodiment of Syntopica.

for e.g. What do relentless persistence, witchcraft, astronomy, mathematics, science fiction, the moon landing and an undying parental love, have in common? Johannes Kepler.

Read Maria’s post to find out :)

#Art #Gratitude #Reading #Marginalia #Books #Reading #NaturalPhilosophy #MariaPopova

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/111044492100749139

#art, #gratitude, #reading, #marginalia, #books, #NaturalPhilosophy, #mariapopova

When I first began reading Brain Pickings—eons ago—I would skip her commentary in the “margins” and go straight to the quotes, because that is what I wanted.
Now a days the quotes pale into insignificance as I rush to read what she has to day. If ever there was a case of the frame being more beautiful than the art it contains, it is the Marginalian’s (@mariapopova)

#Art #Gratitude #Reading #Marginalia #Books #Reading #NaturalPhilosophy #MariaPopova


Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/111044488463437644

#art, #gratitude, #reading, #marginalia, #books, #NaturalPhilosophy, #mariapopova



#Gratitude #Togetherness #Anniversary

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/111039027186023202

#gratitude, #togetherness, #anniversary

evenings are for soothing, honey dew voices
like Oleta Adams.

I hope you dance!


#mjbMusic #OletaAdams

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/111035225776698303

#mjbmusic, #OletaAdams

b6bee2998cb6f323.png#TomGauld speaks to my soul!


via his latest post:

#Books #Reading

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/111035053422480887

#tomgauld, #me, #books, #reading


If you extend your block because it gets interesting and then get tired and bored, you have only yourself to blame! have the discipline to stop when the going’s good.


Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/111034986904546138

#notetoself, #mjbBabbles



3619923af4af7474.jpegThe end of an era.

Respect to my eight year old #TVSE Gold mechanical keyboard.

You served us well!

Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/111034215242994881


block one done! 🎉
took a break. on to the next block


Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/111033545309987908


Not as much head scratching involved, while making the plan, compared to yesterday.

I know I’m supposed to keep weekends loose, but I’m kinda making a pseudo plan today filled with loosey goosey stuff to do.


Original: https://toots.dgplug.org/@jason/111033211407823392
